When you open your account on Dhan, you need to mandatorily link a bank account to it. This becomes your "Primary" Bank account on Dhan. After your account is successfully created, you can proceed to add upto four other additional banks on Dhan. We've made a simple infographic to help you understand the difference between the two:

Once the secondary bank is added in your Dhan account, you can easily remove the same from the path shared below :

Go to Money > Bank > Select the bank you wish to delete/remove > Complete OTP Verification.

Once verified, the account deletion process will start and typically takes 24 to 48 hours to complete. You will receive email updates when the deletion is initiated and once it is successfully completed. Read more here.

Note: Removal of Primary bank account will never be allowed on Dhan. In order to remove this, you first need to add another bank account and use our "Change Primary Bank" (explained here).