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Knowledge base
Account Opening on Dhan
How much time does it take to open an Investment Account on Dhan?
What are Annual Maintenance Charges (AMC)? How are they charged?
What are the charges / pricing for trading or brokerage on Dhan?
What are the documents required for opening a Dhan Account?
How to open an investment account with Dhan?
View all 25
Why is my payout in processing?
Why are payouts not processed after 5pm?
Why are payouts blocked currently?
Why is my payout rejected
Why has my payout failed
View all 15
Adding/Transfer Money to Dhan
How can I transfer funds/Money to my Dhan account ?
Can I change my primary bank account with Dhan?
How many bank accounts can I link to my Dhan account?
What is the maximum amount I can add to my Dhan Account in a single transfer?
How much time does it take for funds to be transferred from a bank account to Dhan?
View all 13
KYC for Investment Accounts
How much time does it usually take for Dhan to approve my KYC?
How do I submit documents for KYC? How can I initiate my KYC?
My KYC documents got rejected by Dhan? What do I do next now?
What are the documents required for opening a Dhan Account?
Why is KYC required for account opening on Dhan?
View all 15
Types of Orders on Dhan
What is a Forever Order? How does one place a Forever Order on Dhan?
How to place Forever Order on sell side ?
What is a Stop Loss Order? How does one place a Stop Loss Order on Dhan?
What are Basket Orders? How can I place my own Basket Orders on Dhan?
How can I trade / invest using Charts?
View all 29
Placing Orders on Exchanges
What is the margin requirement for placing orders on Dhan? How do I check for the margin amount required?
What are the different types of orders I can place via Dhan on Exchanges?
What is auto square-off, and when does Dhan automatically square off intraday positions?
Can I invest / trade in penny stocks using Dhan?
Can I place orders via call and trade on Dhan, and what are the charges?
View all 27
Pricing and Brokerage
What are the trading / investing charges for Dhan?
How is brokerage charged to my account? How are other charges debited from my Dhan account?
Do I have to add money before investing / trading via Dhan?
Do you have any advance brokerage schemes for Dhan?
Where do I check for all pricing related information on Dhan?
View all 6
Trading View and Charts
Can I use Pine scripts and alerts on TradingView terminal to run my strategies?
Where do I Find the Greek in Option Chain?
Where can I find the Market Depth in Dhan Trading View?
Can I place Stop Loss limit order via charts on Trading view?
How Can I enable instant Order in Trading View?
View all 14
What is Pledge?
What is the Rate of Interest and How the Interest are Calculated ?
The holdings which are pledged can be unpledged ?
Can I unpledge the holdings without having to sell them ?
Are there any charges I need to pay?
View all 14
IPO(Initial Public Offer)
How to Apply for an IPO?
Are there any charges to apply for an IPO?
How to cancel or delete an IPO application?
What does cut-off price mean?
When can IPO orders be placed on Dhan?
View all 24
Buy Back
How can I apply for buyback?
Refer and Earn
Will I benefit if I refer my family and friends to Dhan?
Margin & Leverage
What is Margin? What is Leverage?
How much margins/leverage does Dhan provide?
What is a Margin trading facility?
What will happen if I do not maintain sufficient margin?
Does Dhan provide leverage for delivery/carry over positions?
View all 21
What is a smallcase?
How it's different from investing in direct stocks?
What are the fees included?
Which smallcase I should invest in?
How do I track my smallcase?
View all 13
Where can I see statements of all my transactions in Dhan?
What are the different statements that are available on Dhan?
Does Dhan charge for Online Statements?
What is a Contract note and when i will receive it ?
What happens if I didn't receive contract notes on my registered email?
View all 10
Exchange Segments
Activating F&O (Futures and Options) segment
Which investment products / exchange segments are available on Dhan?
How does the segment become inactive on Dhan?
What exchanges / depository is Dhan integrated with?
Login and Account Related
How do I start with opening my account or registering with Dhan?
Created account, but it shows that exchange data & feeds are delayed
How do I register to Dhan using its website?
I got a call from someone who claims to be from Dhan asking for my account credentials. What should I do?
How can I reset my Dhan account password / user id?
View all 13
Customer Service
What is the best way to contact Customer Service for Dhan?
Are there any charges to call the customer care for Dhan?
How to contact Customer Service for Dhan via Chat?
What is the email address to contact Customer Service for Dhan?
Where do I find answers to my questions related to the Dhan account?
View all 13
Account Closure
How can I close my Dhan account?
How can I add nominees to my Dhan trading and demat account?
How can I add nominees to my Dhan trading and demat account or unable to find the option to add a nominee as described.
Is the nomination facility free?
How many nominees can I add to my account?
What details do I need to add for the nominee?
View all 10
What are the types of APIs that Dhan provides ?
Are Dhan APIs free?
How to generate API access token ?
What are the different types of orders that I can place using API?
How do I get access to Dhan APIs ?
View all 29
Margin Trading Facility
What is Margin Trading Facility?
How to Trade with MTF on Dhan?
What Can be Used as Collateral for Margin Funding?
How Long Can I Hold My Margin Funding Stocks?
What is the Interest Rate Charged on Margin Funding?
View all 13
From where DDPI service can be activated?
What are the charges for enabling DDPI ?
How much time does it requires to activate DDPI ?
How many attempts will be given for DDPI E-sign ?
DDPI charges are reversible in case the request is rejected due to any mismatch information provided by us ?
Investing in Mutual Funds
What are Direct and Regular Mutual Funds?
What are the benefits of Direct Mutual Funds over Regular Mutual Funds?
What are the different types of Mutual Funds?
Why should I invest in Mutual Funds?
What is the NAV of Mutual Funds?
View all 7
Finding Mutual Funds for Investments
What are multiple options to consider in Mutual Fund investments
Can Dhan recommend me Mutual Funds for investments
How do I find Mutual Fund Investments on Dhan?
Order Placement for Mutual Funds
How much time does it usually take for the Mutual Fund Investment to reflect in my Portfolio on Dhan?
How do I track the status of my Mutual Fund Investments?
What is the applicable NAV of my Mutual Fund Investment?
I received a confirmation SMS / Email from the AMC, but the Mutual Funds are not reflected in my Portfolio. Why?
Why do some funds allow only SIP or lump sum investments?
View all 7
SIP for Mutual Funds
How do I Stop / Cancel /Delete my SIP?
When can I edit/cancel my SIP?
Can I convert my existing monthly SIP to a weekly SIP & vice versa?
Why does the minimum amount for SIPs vary for each SIP type?
How can I change my SIP amount or date?
View all 14
NAV of Mutual Fund schemes
What is the Mutual Fund cut-off time to get the same day's NAV?
Why is my Mutual Fund NAV not yet updated?
How & when is the NAV calculated?
What is the NAV of a Mutual Fund?
Making Payments for Mutual Funds
How many Bank Accounts can I link on Dhan for Mutual Fund Investments?
Can I set up a mutual fund SIP without an AutoPay mandate?
What Payment Modes are available for Investing in Mutual Funds on Dhan?
Until when can I complete the SIP payment manually?
What happens if I make a payment from a Bank Account that is not verified or linked on Dhan?
View all 10
Redemptions of Mutual Fund
How long will it take for my redeemed amount to reflect in my Bank Account?
When will my Mutual Fund Redemption Amount get credited?
Why am I not able to redeem my ELSS (Tax Saving) Mutual Funds on Dhan?
My redemption request got rejected, what should I do now?
What are Short Term Capital Gains (STCG) / Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) taxes when I redeem Mutual Funds?
View all 10
MF Portfolio
I consolidated my external Mutual fund folio to Dhan Folio. When will it reflect in the app?
How to stop tracking external mutual fund folios?
Can I invest / redeem my external mutual funds in Demat format?
Why is a new folio generated every time I invest in my mutual funds from external portfolio?
Will my external investments update automatically?
View all 11
Auto Pay or Bank Mandates for Mutual Funds
My Bank charged me a Penalty (or Fees) for Auto Pay Mandate rejection, what can I do now?
Can I create a mandate for another Bank Account that is not linked or verified on Dhan?
Can a Mandate set for MF be used for automating my Stock SIPs on Dhan as well?
Is there a limit to the number of Auto Pay Mandates that can be set on Dhan?
How many days does it take for my Auto Pay Mandate to get activated?
View all 8
KYC & Activation of Mutual Funds
Is completing nomination compulsory for activating Mutual Funds?
I want to only invest in Mutual Funds on Dhan, why do I need to do KYC and Onboarding for Stocks and Exchanges?
I am already Investing and trading on Dhan, would I still need to do my KYC for Mutual Funds?
Do Mutual Funds on Dhan need separate KYC than for Stocks?
How do I activate Mutual Funds for my Dhan account?
MF Nominations
How do I update nominees to my Mutual Funds?
Is it mandatory to add a Nominee when activating Mutual Funds on Dhan?
Will my Mutual Fund Nominee Automatically Be Linked to My Dhan Stock Holdings?
How do I add Nominations to my Mutual Funds investments on Dhan?
MF Statements & Reports
How do I get Tax Reports on Dhan?
How do I download my Mutual Fund Transaction History from Dhan?
Will I get a Capital Gains Statement for imported transactions?
How do I get my Capital Gains report for filing taxes?
What is NFO?
Can I Invest in NFO on Dhan?
Why is my NFO order not completed yet?
General MF
How to update Banks in Mutual Fund Folios
What is the Minimum Investment in Mutual Funds?
What is CAGR?
What is XIRR?
What are two ways to invest in Mutual Funds?
View all 7
Account Aggregator
Corporate Actions
What are the Corporate Actions, and the impact of the same on stocks/contracts ?
What types of corporate actions exist in the Indian stock market ?
What is dividend ? What is the impact of a dividend on a stock or F&O contracts ?
What is the criteria to be eligible for the Dividend ?
How much time does it take to receive the dividend amount ?
View all 34
Options and Futures Segment Activation on Dhan
How do I activate F&O on Dhan web?
Trader's Diary
What is a Trader's Diary?
Why does my profit and loss (P&L) reflecting different in Trader’s Diary as compared to the Position tab?
What are the charges are not included in Trader’s diary?
I have closed my positions today but trader’s diary is not yet updated?
Are corporate actions included in the Trader's Diary?
Pledge / Unpledge Mutual Funds
Super Order
What is a Super Order?
What market segments and exchanges support Super Orders?
What Product types support Super Orders?
How to place the Super order?
How is a Super Order works?
View all 13